borough of yoe

150 North Maple Street, Yoe, PA 17313  •  (717) 244-5904

Minutes for January 6, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:02PM by Council President Sam Snyder followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council members in attendance:
Sam Snyder
Seth Noll
George Howett
Regan Strausbaugh
Bill Bankoske
Ryan Harper
Barry Myers (arriving at 7:10PM)

Others in attendance:
Sandy Sterner, Secretary-Treasurer
Peter Halderman, representing Solicitor Rausch
Steve Malesker, Engineer
Norm Strenger and Alex Stevens, Code Administrators

Councilman Snyder asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the prior meeting after they have looked over them? A motion was made by Councilman Harper to accept the minutes of December 2, 2014. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said minutes approved.

Councilman Snyder said we have Norm on the visitor list for tonight. Councilman Noll said Norm is with Code Administrators, and as we had spoken at our December meeting we wanted to introduce you since we have several new members of council, who Norm is, he does most of the code inspections and to give us a quick run down update of what’s going as to permits in town and we are using them for zoning purposes since Red Lion is the foreseeable future and probably forever, quite honestly have no desire to be our zoning officer anymore as they have done in the past. They’ve picked up some new rental ordinances, plus Dan’s health hasn’t been the best over the last year. Code Administrators has graciously accepted to be our new zoning officer and provide the services. Norm, do you want to give us the permit history. Mr. Strenger introduced Alex Stevens, Jason’s son, he is my right hand man. Brought him along tonight. Permit history: Active permits in the borough, we have one. 230 S. Main, did an inspection up there last month, they failed miserably. Where we are at that one, but at least they got me in to do my inspection which I was concerned about that, they got me in there early then did a lot of work, didn’t get me in there, and then they got me in there, to see where that’s going. Its actually looking very nice, compared to. I have never stepped foot into the building previously, but even by the looks, its nice. They have some structural issues with the front porch. You may or may not have heard me earlier, we have issued a zoning permit for Mr. Snouffer on E. Pennsylvania Avenue where he established an in home business. He meets all the requirements without any issues. The difficulty was trying to explain to him all about that. Once I convinced him that , he was ready to go. Councilman Noll said one of the other ones was the auto dealership, the breezeway they had started and was in violation. You’re the one that issued the stop work order. Mr. Strenger said we have a stop work order on that from our office, not sure what if any procedures were taking under the zoning ordinance at that time. We were not the zoning officer at that time. Our records have nothing on zoning. I had a phone call six weeks ago, one of the principles down wondering where they stood. I said you need to get permits before you can go forward. I explained to them where we were and that is as far as it is at this point. If we are proceed legal beyond where we are right now, I’ll need to have a conservation with the solicitor as we move forward on that one. Councilman Noll said we talked about this several times at council, we have a stop work order on the facility, they started to put a breezeway up, they started the process connecting the two buildings without a permit. It sat for almost a year. Mr. Strenger said we issued the stop work order on them on November 8, 2013. The secretary commented that someone said it had to do with the county, correct? Mr. Strenger said that was what held up somebody way back when, they needed to get some kind of approval. The secretary said it cost money, they came up here and talked to me, and I told them to talk to Dan. Mr. Strenger said I’m not sure what requirements they are required on the county level. The secretary said that is in a flood plain area, correct, so that is another issue. Councilman Noll said its an existing non conformity. Mr. Strenger said there is a paragraph so long. Does Yoe Borough have a flood plain ordinance? The secretary said its online. Mr. Strenger said and on the disc you gave me. Mr. Strenger said essentially the building code requires a certain level of structural strengthening to incorporated and also references it has to meet the retainer requirements. Exactly where they are, 100 year flood plain, 500 year flood plain, all of that. It comes down to, its relatively simple, the engineer is willing to design and sign off that it meets certain criteria. Its not the difficult. The secretary said from what I got from my conversation it’s a money issue, he said several thousand dollars. Mr. Strenger said I am not aware of what the county requirements are. Councilman Noll said I’m sure he’ll have ten thousand into it. Mr. Strenger said from our standpoint without approvals, if its not looking to be approvals, then it needs to be removed. Mr. Malesker said an engineer called me two months ago, asking what they needed to do for stormwater. I don’t have any idea about the size, if there is existing impervious under it, so I sent him the stormwater ordinance. I think it was someone who was going to give them a price, he was trying to figure out the scope that was involved. They were going to get prices from engineers. Counciman Noll said its been over a year, your stop work order. Mr. Strenger said the stop work order is in place, not that I drive by it on a regular basis, it appears to be in the same condition that we left it a year ago. Councilman Noll said does that stop work order indicate a certain period that the work has to be done? Mr. Strenger said no it does not. That would have been an enforcement action under the zoning. Councilman Noll asked do we want to let it ride, have them remove, its been over a year. Councilman Snyder said in a year someone knows what they intend to do, they’re going to have the money, and follow the right procedure, or just tear it out, simple as that. Mr. Strenger said in keeping it simple, at this point of time, in the fact that they never applied for zoning approval, and we now have a new zoning ordinance. And by the way, its very nice to work with. I should just start with a notice under the zoning and go from there. That’s a simple way to start the process at this point in time. Councilman Noll said I think we have to push action. Councilman Snyder said if we just let it go, it will keep pushing it back. I think the issue was after the stop work notice, they found out they needed a land development plan to proceed, that has to be passed through the county. And that’s where they said this is going to cost too much money. The thing was basically constructed, what they were doing was connecting two small buildings to make it one large building and then they just never. They did stop the work, they never completed it. Mr. Halderman asked if it’s a safety issue at this point. Mr. Strenger and Councilman Snyder said it shouldn’t be. Mr. Strenger said I don’t get by it that often, I have been by it at least a dozen times in the past year. It looks to be secured and basically in the same condition as it was when we put in the stop work order. Councilman Noll said the unfortunate thing is they didn’t follow the procedure and if we want the town to look a certain way, then be a certain way, we spent the time and money to redo the zoning ordinance, why we got effective zoning officer, we have to take some action on it, to set presidents. Mr. Strenger said if we let set too long, then we can’t do any of it. Councilman Snyder said just went after the Snouffers, who we found out didn’t follow the procedure and they need to get proper zoning permits, we went after them. They can’t come back and say, we didn’t give them any time, we weren’t ignorant about, we have given them plenty of time, you said over a year, November, 2013. At that point they have had over a year. Councilman Noll said under the building code is, and what the zoning is, they never applied. Mr. Strenger said it will be the same building code. The new zoning ordinance, because they never applied for a zoning permit. Councilman Noll made a motion to instruct Code Administrators to use our new zoning ordinance to issue a letter as to movement to correct the problem. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried. Councilman Noll said are there any issues in town as to open permits or zoning issues that we want. Councilman Snyder said the one issue just came up, a gentleman went to Dallastown Borough to get approvals for work in Yoe Borough, actually went through the approval process in York Township. When York Township came out to do the inspection they found out they didn’t have the jurisdiction. Councilman Noll said an unfortunately that person has paid all their fees somebody, and somebody and this is where it gets sticky, Norm wants to get paid as well, he has to do his stuff. They don’t want to pay a second time. I think it comes down, my recommendation, that Norm take the code rendering from York Township and use that as his basis for code review. Try to expedite the process and Dallastown has refund the fees. Councilman Snyder said you have to pay our fees to get the permit. They have to apply to Dallastown for the refund. That is between them and Dallastown. They need to come to Yoe Borough and apply for the permits. Councilman Noll said they have to know they have to pay for our fees and go to Dallastown to get the refund. We aren’t going to get in the middle of it. Councilman Snyder said Dallastown might say they acted in good faith and we can’t help you don’t know where you bought a building. They refund issue is between them. Norm you can issue a stop order, since they already went to York Township. Mr. Strenger said they have applied for the permit, if that delays them to come into compliance. They are acting in good faith, we will work through this as quickly as we can. Councilman Snyder said another reason that we wanted you to come tonight, since we did have another zoning officer doing it and you were sort of pushed into it, hey will you do this. We never had an opportunity to find the qualifications for zoning. I know you were a zoning officer. What the qualifications that Code can bring to Yoe Borough versus us having to go for someone else? One thing that I wanted to bring up to council’s attention, because this is a unique situation since they are a third party contractor in UCC one of the things we have to do in the solicitor’s report, we have two resolutions. We update our fee resolution the first of year, new fees like the ones Code Administrators sent out, we update our fee schedule. One thing I took notice too, we have to be cognitive of, Yoe Borough use to charge a zoning permit fee of $50. 00, that he would take in Red Lion, he would give that money to us and then they would just bill us back his hourly rate at the time. Then as we were redoing the zoning ordinance, $10. 00 permit, we didn’t have that in our old zoning ordinance. In our fee resolution we collect that $50. 00 fee, Codes is still collecting their fee. People when they come for permit will pay that double fee. Councilman Noll said its typical is most municipalities, you pay the municipal fee and you pay the third party. That is something new. that while we never had it before its now going to be typical with the situation that we have with codes because of contracted that out so to speak. I think the only other issue we had was trying to find out who issues when an occupancy permit is actually issued. Councilman Noll said you issue the occupancy permit after we’ve done, we don’t have a BCO. You are the one issue it. Mr. Strenger said how it works on a practical basis, we fill out all that, sign the thing, send it down to Sandy when she is aware that all fees, she can release it. If the fees aren’t pay, she is under no obligation to ever release if there is outstanding, water bills, trash pick up. Councilman Noll said its released to you, Sandy, if you feel all the municipal fees are paid just tell them. The secretary said I did that once, there were issues. Councilman Snyder said at the house beside me, obtained a permit to put in a shed, outstanding fees were there, they placed the shed. What do you do on that case? Councilman Noll said a stop work order. Mr. Strenger said a violation under your ordinance. Moving forward. We adopted within our ordinances, we do not issue a building permit if there are outstanding fees. If a person hasn’t satisfied the fees we do not give them a permit. Councilman Snyder said you issued the permit on 177 S. Main Street, so you can check on it. Mr. Strenger asked if they have picked up the permit. The secretary said they are delinquent on taxes. Mr. Strenger said if they placed the shed without the permit. I am required to take enforcement. While we are talking enforcement action, 53 N. Church Street, I accompanied Dana down to the property before Christmas. We had a request via Dana to check on the electrical work, circuits not working, sparking etc. She had initiated on her own, someone from the state level. She felt she was paying for the electric from someone elses unit. I believe it was determined that, that was correct. Its hard to tell with electrical whats what. While I was there it was extremely obvious that work was done since the last time I was in that building. What it appears that they are looking to do, is divide that large downstairs apartment into two, I can’t verify that, but I can verify that they put some walls up and made that apartment smaller than it was. Including putting a bedroom in the front room that is completely not in compliance. No smoke detectors, no emergency smoke and egress window, not sure if there is working heat in that area. It’s a fairly extensive list. The violations I cited for was failure to get a permit, failure to get inspections and failure to get a use and occupancy permit. That just went out today. Copies are there. That’s a UCC action, as a BCO. Penalties are stiffer, I have more directive, well versed in those procedures, outlined in the UCC docments. You have thirty days to comply at this point and after that I am required to post it as an unsafe structure,board it and vacate it, then I can go to the District Justice on a daily basis. Councilman Noll said that’s been that way for awhile. The secretary will give a copy to Mr. Shearer. Councilman Noll said there was discharge out the back of the property. Mr. Strenger said how I first got involved with the property, there was a sewer discharge inside the property. The whole bottom floor was flooded with feces and urine. Beware there is a thirty day period, he has thirty days to comply. If he goes into the appeal process then it could take awhile. Mr. Strenger said there are only three active apartments, if he is working on a fourth its not occupied yet. That much I can tell by being on the outside of the building. Councilman Noll said we are good on how we issue our occupancy permits, we are good on how we issue our permits, collect the fees before we issue the permit. Does anybody have anything else, does Patti have any issues? She can use Code Administrators as a resource. Councilman Myers asked when does the thirty days start? Mr. Strenger said when we can show that they have received the notice. Typically we will get the green card that is signed, or we get it back that they tried three times but they refused. We send it out regular mail and certified. The court has held if the certified mail comes back but the regular mail has not come back, it shows that they received the regular mail. That’s when the thirty days start. If they both come back, we try to serve them another way. Rarely does the regular mail come back. Councilman Noll asked is that thirty working days? Mr. Strenger said it says thirty days, does not designate as working days, we have taken it as calendar days. Within other portions of the UCC when they mean working days, they specifically say working days. Councilman Myers said that is for his stuff, when Dana starts citing him. Mr. Strenger said that is whatever is written in your property maintenance and I believe, I think that’s fifteen days. I think that sticks in my mind, fifteen days. Councilman Snyder said it’s a little two early since we just passed our zoning ordinance, if you do. Mr. Strenger said it has been very favorable, while it’s a detailed ordinance, its easy to understand what the intent is. Compared to the old one, which was not so easy, there were only two zones. So much going on there. I like the ordinance, compared to the other ordinances that we deal with on a regular basis, this is far superior. Councilman Noll said if you find something that would help you to enforce it better, let us know. Mr. Strenger said now that I have enforcement action that I’m going to be starting, I’ll get some experience with that, and I’ll let you know. Mr. Malesker gave Mr. Strenger his contact information in case of storm water management. Councilman Noll said a reminder, since we have some new people on council, how we contact our professional, you need to go to the solicitor or Code Administrators, you need to go through the President or Vice President from the council standpoint, so we can keep track, and know the issues going on. Code Enforcement has access. Best to go through one of those two people. Mr. Strenger said we go through the council to get permission to talk to the solicitor. We know about billing. The secretary said she contacts the President or Vice President unless an answer is needed asap. Mr. Strenger said their cards are here, or contact us by email. Alex and I work together. Kayla is our administrative assistant, you can contact her. She is good to make sure we don’t forget things. Contact her at the office. Our emails are simple. Councilman Snyder said thanks for coming. Mr. Strenger said its nice to have this kind of communication.

Solicitor’s Report
Mr. Halderman said we have two resolutions for tonight.

Councilman Snyder said Resolution 2015-01 is our fee resolution. We do it annually each year. Nothing was changed except for updating Code Administrators fees which we signed for by contract last month and the new fees for C. S. Davidson. The way its laid out, as I was going through this, in their fee schedule they charge $50. 00 for a zoning permit. In the fee resolution, there was our $25. 00 for a zoning permit. What should I do for ours? I called in and spoke for her, we will collect for both, for them and the municipality. With Red Lion, he would collect the fee for the borough and charge the borough for his time per hour. So I wanted to point that out to the council. If someone wanted a permit for a fence, they are going to pay for the permit, for the setbacks $25. 00 on top of what they pay to codes. The secretary said there will be two checks then. Councilman Snyder said those fees were changed but the others have remained the same. As reminder, some of the main ones, $150. 00 for park rental, we updated the sewer a couple years back, the solid refuse collection license fee of $250. 00 per year, we should start collecting that perhaps. We only charge $100. 00 for street excavation. Zoning, we do only charge, $400. 00 for special exception, variances. Councilman Noll asked can we increase that to $500. 00? Councilman Snyder said we increased that, because almost everything in town needs a variance or special exception. We are built out, everything is a pre-existing non conformity. Since this a resolution, we can do change that. If someone says we need up the fees, we can do that with a simple resolution. Councilman Snyder said Resolution 2015-01, therefore be it resolved, hereby resolved the Borough Council of Yoe, that all fees on the fee schedule are hereby fixed as follows. A motion to resolve Resolution 2015-01 by Councilman Myers. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said so be it resolved.

Mr. Halderman said Resolution 2015-02, for appointment of Patti McGonagle for a three year term ending December 31, 2017. Councilman Snyder said we are required to do appointment for Zoning Hearing Board by resolution. A motion to resolve Resolution 2015-02 was made by Councilman Noll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Strausbaugh. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said so be it resolved.

Mr. Halderman said we have two issues to go over.

Councilman Snyder said we have some issues to discuss in executive session.

Recess of Regular meeting to go into Executive Session
A motion was made by Councilman Myers to recess the regular meeting to go into executive session at 7:45PM. The motion was seconded by Councilman Strausbaugh. All in favor.

Reconvening of the Regular Meeting at 8:14PM
The regular meeting reconvened at 8:14 PM and the Solicitor’s Report continued.

Councilman Snyder said reconvening the January meeting of Yoe Borough Council. Let the record reflect we discussed potential litigation and legal issues.

Councilman Noll made a motion, ordinance 1610 2K in regards to firearms discharging in the park setting, I make a motion to remove that ordinance by formal ordinance to remove that from our ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Councilman Snyder said the other issue that we’d like resolve after coming out of executive session. Councilman Myers made a motion to lay out and open a portion for a street, a public way for access to the park from upper E. Pennsylvania Avenue to the park between two individual parcels for public access and to start the ball rolling on getting the legal description done to accomplish that. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried. Councilman Snyder said the first step is for C. S. Davidson to do a legal description then to draft the ordinance.

Mr. Malesker said I wanted to check with you for the Chesapeake agreement. Did you get billed? Should you pay it, because there is no agreement. Councilman Noll said until all the paperwork is straightened out, we will not be issuing the check.

Councilman Snyder said the issue at hand with Chesapeake Bay agreement, somebody decided this thing expires within a certain time, DEP didn’t get around to approve it, and it expired. We had to pass an ordinance, the way the ordinance was drafted, it allowed us to enter into this agreement, so there was no time. We didn’t feel we need to draft a new ordinance. There is some confusion with a memo received today from Pam Shellenberger, who wanted a new ordinance. We’re just going to proceed on just signing the agreement. A motion was made by Councilman Howett to sign a new Chesapeake Bay Storm Water Agreement. A motion was seconded by Councilman Noll. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried. Two original signature pages were signed and one was given to Councilman Noll.

Engineer’s Report
Mr. Malesker said the basin inspection report was sent. A pdf of the report is available.

Mr. Malesker said we talked about survey about the two sections of York Township. Gary wanted to see how this fits in with everything else. Dave Furman sent him an exibit. I haven’t heard anything. Councilman Noll said I believe that are going to bring it up at their meeting. Cost is around $1200. 00, we’re asking York Township to split the cost in half. They want it to go past their board. I should know by the next council meeting. Mr. Malesker said if they agree, we can go forward.

Councilman Noll said there was an email about the county asking for information on flooded roadway study. If you have any flooded roadways give them the information. Dana would be the person to give the information. Appoint Dana if we have an event. Councilman Myers asked does that mean state roads. Councilman Noll said I do not see, road shared between municipalities, I think its any road that falls within your municipality. Councilman Myers said we should keep it in the MS 4. Make two copies and give one to Dana and keep it in the MS 4 folder.

Councilman Snyder said we did receive from Jake the wetland mitigation inspection by the December 31st deadline. He sent it to the Army Corps. That is on our file. We are above 80 %, we need to be at 85% after the five years. That was a good report. The secretary said that is in the MS 4 folder. Councilman Snyder said until the five year reporting, the cease and desist will not be lifted.

Councilman Snyder said we have the maintenance agreement for the dams. Dallastown Borough and York Township signed off. A motion to sign the maintenance agreement for the dams by Councilman Harper. The motion is seconded by Councilman Noll. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried. A scanned copy will be in the computer files and the original will be in the safe.

Maintenance Report
Councilman Snyder asked if everyone had the opportunity to look over the report. If Barry is going to talk to him, let him know.

Councilman Snyder said one item under our property maintenance inspection. There is an issue at 358 S. Main Street. They were going to turn the water off for lack of paying bills. Jan Kreidler the property at the time that the water was going to be turned off. Jenny Dettinger, who responded back to Jan. Beg your pardon, I am renting this place. The landlord is not paying the bills and gave her, her story. She’ll pay part of the bill but don’t turn the water off. Through her due diligence, she did say the information she got from Ms. Dettinger, that Ms. Dettinger started renting the property on September 12, 2014 and that Kara Phillips took up front money when they moved in to cover water and sewer costs. Kara Phillips refuses phone calls when the tenant calls, she calls back later or sends a text message. Kara Phillips doesn’t answer any phone calls that Jan Kreidler puts out. Since we know this property is being rented and has for some time. And that Kara Phillips indicated to us at the time, it was not being rented, at a previous time. Supposedly, Kara’s sister was living on the property and Kara on the other side. Kara told me the property was vacant and not rented. My thoughts is we give Dana direction that within the month he must file a citation for the $500. 00 fee for failure to require a license for 2014. With the deceipt that was done here, we direct him, that he doesn’t take less than the $500. 00 for mislicensed fee. This year’s letters are coming up and new license fee is needed as well. He follow through with enforcement. Councilman Noll said its pretty obvious its rented. The water bill is in the owner’s name. The tenant didn’t want the water turned off, with her child being sick. She was paying a prorated portion. They are still in arrears. Councilman Noll wants a copy of that violation be sent to council. Councilman Snyder said part of this, is not to accept a plea agreement. I think Jan Kreidler would be willing to give information that she has. Councilman Noll made a motion that we instruct Dana Shearer to file a citation for the $500. 00 and he further instructed to take nothing less that the $500. 00 fee for 358 S. Main Street. And that he do that before the next council meeting and give Sandy a copy so it can be sent to all those on council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Myers. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Councilman Snyder said since he will have to update us on this, if he can give us a brief update for next months, where he stands on sending out 2015 letters and what the deadlines will be and where he’s at with his inspections.

The secretary said the spill at the House of Windsor. Councilman Myers said I gave John the information. We can’t do a citation right away. We have to keep track on that for MS 4. The secretary needs that for the MS 4 notebook. Councilman Myers said will follow up on it. The only action they can take with MS 4, is that we do need the report.

Zoning Officer’s Report
Councilman Snyder said Mrs. Myers forgot that tonight was the council meeting, so she didn’t have a report for us. She said I have letters out for trees and furniture sitting on porches. She will tour the town tomorrow for letters on snow removal. She asked about finding in our new book about uninspected unlicensed vehicles. Councilman Myers asked what can she do if there is unlicensed vehicle and she can’t get on the property to prove that. Councilman Noll said I thought we pulled that out of zoning and put it where the police can enforce. Councilman Myers said there are two vehicles and motorcycle at a property. Councilman Snyder said she can investigate and ask the property owner for permission to enter property. I think we changed the screening. I’ll have to look it up. Maybe we took it out of zoning and never put it anywhere. Unless I put it in the vector ordinance. Councilman Noll said the property maintenance code, has an area for junk vehicles. Updates have just been released in 2015 for the property maintenance code.

The secretary said the report from Code Administrators is in the folder on the table.

Emergency Management Report
No report for EMA.

Councilman Snyder said Dana is doing a bang up job for snow removal today.

Mayor and Police Report
Councilman Snyder said his report speaks for itself as a matter of record.

Councilman Myers said there are one or two things on the report that he’ll explain next month.

Secretary’s Report
The secretary said we have two appointments, we have an audit engagement letter, we have an intergovernmental agreement with PIRMA, we need a local tax rep for YATB and local government advisory rep. You got state ethics report, you apparently can do that online now but you still have to make sure there is a hard copy sent to me. If anyone wants that online information, contact me.

Councilman Snyder said those running for election, you may want to hold off on filing that ethics report yet. Because you have to file a copy when you file your petition to the election board. They use to have carbon but the last two years there was no carbon. Wait until you find out. End of January you can pick up the petitions to file for election. First date to circulate petitions is February 17. Last day to circulate filed petitions of March 10th. First date to file that information is March 11th.

Councilman Snyder said first the intergovernmental contract with PIRMA. A motion was made by Councilman Howett to sign the intergovernmental contract with PIRMA. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Councilman Snyder said to sign the engagement letter for the auditor. A motion was made by Councilman Myers to sign the engagement letter for upcoming year for the auditor. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Councilman Snyder said a local government advisory representative for YCPC. We can use one current and one alternate. The same for York Adams Tax Bureau. We can bring our new people into the fold. These two committees are no intensified. You are to look over the minutes and bring things to council attention. My idea is, which one wants to be rep for tax bureau and the other is the alternate. Local Government Advisory Representative for YCPC is Bill Bankoske. The alternate is Ryan Harper. YATB representative is Ryan Harper. The alternate is Bill Bankoske.

Councilman Snyder said we received the updated York County Comp Plan amendment for the economic development plan. That component is available for anyone to peruse.

Councilman Snyder said we received the response time liability report for 2014 from York Regional Emergency Medical Services. Note for Yoe Borough, the medium response time was 10. 1 that was Station 19. Station 36 was 5. 2 for Yoe Borough. Councilman Myers reported Ted Hake is leaving. Red Lion Ambulance purchased White Rose. Acting chief will be Joe Stevens.

A motion was made by Councilman Noll to appoint Tana Bentzel to the Dallastown Yoe Water Authority for a three year term ending December 31, 2017. The motion was seconded by Councilman Strausbaugh. All in favor. Counciman Snyder said motion carried.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.

New Business
There was no new business.

Payment of Bills
Councilman Snyder asked if everyone had an opportunity to look over the bill list. Any questions? Three additional bills: C. S. Davidson $183. 44,$130. 00 and $65. 71. A motion was made by Councilman Harper including the additional bills mentioned to pay the bills as listed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Myers. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said bills are paid.

A motion was made by Councilman Bankoske to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 PM. The motion was seconded by Councilman Snyder All in favor.

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