borough of yoe

150 North Maple Street, Yoe, PA 17313  •  (717) 244-5904

Minutes for November 14, 2017

The regular monthly meeting of Yoe Borough Council was held on November 14, 2017 at the Yoe Borough Municipal Building, 150 N. Maple Street, Yoe, PA 17313. The meeting was called to order by Council President Samuel Snyder at 7:02 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilman Snyder requested a moment of silence in honor of Regan Strausbaugh who passed away last week.

Council members in attendance:
Samuel Snyder
Ryan Harper
William Bankoske
Barry Myers
Seth Noll
George Howett

Others in attendance:
John Sanford, Mayor
Seth Springer, Solicitor
Steve Malesker, Engineer
Dana Shearer, Maintenance Supervisor
Diana Dvorak, Secretary-Treasurer

Councilman Snyder asked if everyone had an opportunity to look over the minutes from the prior meeting. The voice resolution from October is actually 2017-08. Councilman Howett made a motion to accept the October minutes, Councilman Bankoske seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes accepted.

There were no visitors in attendance for the November meeting.

Solicitor’s Report
Report provided. Solicitor Springer expressed his condolences for the passing of Mr. Strausbaugh.

Solicitor Springer advises that we sign the SPCA agreement. There were five write in votes for the position of tax collector, but the elections board will not be able to provide names for at least two weeks. Solicitor Springer feels that we should continue with the York County Treasurer until which time we can confirm that any of the write in candidates are interested, and/or qualified for the position. Discussion continued.

With the passing of Councilman Strausbaugh, there will be an open council seat. Council can only appoint someone to the end of his term, which would be December 2017. Councilman Strausbaugh was on the ballot, and it appears that he won, but Council cannot certify elections, we have to wait for the elections office. It will be next year before anyone will be appointed.

All municipalities have an opportunity to opt out of “mini-casinos” in their Township or Borough. If they so choose, a resolution needs to be passed by December 2017. Councilman Myers asked is being considered as a mini-casino, at this point, there are no clear guidelines. Councilman Snyder feels that our zoning laws are sufficient to prevent any issues. Several Council members are concerned that should we pass this resolution could negatively affect the Fire Department’s fundraising. Councilman Noll asked that, should we pass a resolution, could it be rescinded later if it would affect the small games of chance put on by the Fire Department. Council requested that Solicitor Springer get more information for the December meeting.

The Borough has reached an agreement with the owner of 197 S Main ST, and the case has been closed.

Councilman Noll made a motion to resolve resolution 2017-09, which sets the quarterly contribution rate for the pension fund at $180 per member, per quarter. Councilman Bankoske seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried.

Councilman Harper made a motion to resolve resolution 2017-10, which appoints Smith Elliot & Kearns as the auditors for the year to complete the audit for 2017, to be completed in 2018. Seconded by Councilman Myers. All in favor, motion carried.

Councilman Harper made a motion to tentatively approve the 2018 budget and to have it advertised. Seconded by Councilman Myers. All in favor, motion carried.

Councilman Noll made a motion to have the Secretary to advertise the budget and tax ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor, motion carried.

Engineer’s Report
Report provided. Yoe Borough has two projects on the preliminary CDBG list of projects. Curb, sidewalk and stormwater improvements were applied for. Mr. Malesker will get together with, Mr. Shearer, Councilmen Noll and Myers to go over the work to be completed. There is a stormwater culvert that is between Park Alley and Main ST, was supposed to be put underground. Councilman Snyder wants us to look into cost to complete this before the CDBG work is completed. Discussion continued. We will need an easement to do the work on the culvert. Mr. Malesker is going to look for a survey that was completed in the last few years.

The basin inspection is complete. There is a concern with a sediment bar that is forming. Mr. Shearer thinks the sediment may be coming down the line from Dallastown, and could possibly be fill from a construction firm. This could potentially be an MS4 problem. This is occurring in York Township, so Yoe is the aggrieved party in this case.

There was an email regarding the H20 grant application. Each municipality could submit two projects. Yoe had two projects on the list, and Mr. Malesker thinks some of the projects in other municipalities have already been completed.

Maintenance Report
Storm drain on E. Philadelphia has been repaired. The park building have been winterized. The F-250 has been sold.

Zoning Officer’s Report
Report provided. Regular follow ups, not a lot going on. Councilman Noll inquired about 44 E Pennsylvania AVE. The work is ongoing, and South Penn Code Consultants is working closely with the office regarding this properties.

EMA Report
Still waiting on radios.

Mayor’s Report
Report provided. Mayor Sanford sent a letter to Reliance Bus Company in regards to the issues on Broad and Elm streets.

Mayor Sanford relayed a concern regarding parking between Main and Elm. The resident asked that Council consider posting this as no parking. Councilman Snyder suggested that we do a traffic study. Options such as a 3 way stop, or a one way were discussed. The objective is to keep Main ST traffic on Main ST. Discussion continued.

The Police contract is coming due, a new contract would be a for a three year period. Even if we sign the contract, we could still give a year’s notice that we are terminating service. Council feels that Mayor Sanford should sign the contract, but talk to municipalities using State Police in the meantime. Councilman Myers would like to put together a committee to speak with Diane at Red Lion to see how things are going with the State Police. If possible Councilman Myers would also like to speak with the State Police as well. Discussion continued.

Secretary’s Report
South Penn Code Consultants will be appointed as the Flood Plain Administrator.

Unfinished Business
There is no unfinished business at this time.

New Business
There is no new business at this time.

Payment of Bills
Councilman Myers made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Councilman Howett. All in favor, bills are paid.

Councilman Bankoske made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45PM. Councilman Snyder seconded the motion. All in favor.

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