borough of yoe

150 North Maple Street, Yoe, PA 17313  •  (717) 244-5904

Minutes for October 7, 2014

The regular monthly meeting of Yoe Borough Council was held on October 7, 2014 at the Yoe Borough Municipal Building, 150 North Maple Street, Yoe, PA. The meeting was called to order at 7:02PM by Council President Sam Snyder followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council members in attendance:
Sam Snyder
Seth Noll
Regan Strausbaugh
George Howett
Bill Bankoske
Ryan Harper

Others in attendance:
Sandy Sterner, Secretary-Treasurer
Charles Schmel, URDC
Dana Shearer, Maintenance Manager
Jay Myers, Business Owner, Strobecks Service
Steve Malesker, Engineer
Cindy Hochhalter, Coldwell Banker
Charles Rausch, Solicitor
Drew Walker, Kaltreider Library

Councilman Snyder asked if everyone had an opportunity to look over the minutes from the prior meeting, any additions or corrections? A motion to accept the meeting minutes of September 2, 2014 was made by Councilman Howett. The motion was seconded by Councilman Strausbaugh. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Recess of Regular Meeting for Public Hearing for the Zoning Ordinance
A motion was made by Councilman Strausbaugh to recess the regular meeting at 7:03PM to open up a public hearing. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.
Councilman Snyder turned the hearing over to Charlie Schmel. Mr. Schmel presented copies of the summary of the ordinance, it’s the same of what was passed out previously. They were passed around the table. Mr. Schmel said the borough received a federal grant through the county to prepare a new zoning ordiance. It was quite some time since the zoning ordinance was updated in the borough. I’m Charlie Schmel with a copy called Urban Research and Development Corporation, our contact information is on the summary. I think most people are familiar with how zoning works it mainly regulates the uses of land, the uses of buildings, the locations that buildings can be placed back at the property lines, the heights and sizes of signs, the amount of parking that is required and environmental protection issues. What the zoning ordinance does, it provides the community in different zoning districts, the different zoning districts allow different types of development. So you have, two commercial districts, a regular commercial in dark pink/light red, the town center district, then you have two residential districts, a low density residential and a medium density residential and a conservation. Let me start off by saying, zoning mainly applies to new uses and new buildings. So if someone has an existing use, regardless of what the zoning says, that use can continue with legal discussion. It can expand within limits, it can be sold, it can be changed over to certain new uses. Existing businesses are grandfathered in and can continue, zoning is mainly looking at the future. So see some of the goals of the zoning ordinance project on page 2 and 3. This is built upon a comprehensive plan that Yoe did with its neighbors a couple of years ago. So, primarily we are trying to have compatibility with different types of development We don’t want people to wake up and find out that there is a 24 hour convenience store right next to their house, or an asphalt plant or a strip club next to their house. Some uses make good neighbors, other uses make horrible neighbors. Separate the use out that are more problematic. We have some obligations under state law, we are suppose to have a place for almost everything. And the default location becomes a commercial district, which is a permitted district. So if there is something that we don’t think is suitable for most of the borough, a commercial district becomes a place that we direct it to. So look at the terminology here, there are permitted by right uses,that are the simplest of process, most things are by right. Get a zoning permit and go ahead and do it. Other things are special exception, there is a hearing by the zoning hearing board and then the zoning hearing board has to vote as to whether application meets the ordinance or not. Some things are conditional use, they go to the borough council, they hold a hearing and they decide on the zoning. Other things are not permitted in that area. On page three, there is a summary of the zoning ordinance. You can see the low density is the yellow areas, its most of the newer housing in the borough. Most of the single family areas. The big change there was to reduce the allowed density. Right now, you can do 20 homes per acre in the yellow area. Again most of these are single family detached neighborhoods, 20 homes per acre is a high density. Proposed the ordinance would provide for a ¼ acre single family lots, which is consistent with what most of this area is. You would no longer be able take a single family house and cut it up into three apartments. It is an important step into neighborhood stability, in promoting home ownership and maintenance of housing. Then we have the medium density district which is the orange area. The area is more townhouse and apartment area of the town. The proposed ordinance would reduce the density there from 20 homes per acre to ten homes per acre. Ten homes per acre is a medium density, a lot of modern apartment complexes are built at ten homes per acre, 20 home acres is a pretty dense project. And that orange area, would allow for singles/twins townhouses and apartments. Town Center is the center of town and some areas along George Street and some open land where there is a historic house on the north side of East George towards the border. The town center district the goal there is to have lighter commercial uses that fit in well with housing. That would provide for retail stores, offices, funeral homes, day care centers. Now the biggest issue that we had at our previous public meeting, was what to do with auto repair uses and also gas stations in this area. There are a couple of auto repair businesses in this town center area, and they were concerned that they didn’t want to be treated as non conforming, they wanted to be allowed, the question was how to address them. We were directed to make them special exception uses in town center. What that means is they would allowed uses, they wouldn’t be non conforming, they would have to go through a public meeting process, and a vote by the zoning hearing board, if a new auto garage would be proposed or an expansion would be proposed. So it’s a public review and approval process, but its still an allowed use. So it’s a compromise position to address that concern. The commercial district, is the most permissive district, its mainly West George Street. The commercial district would allow almost all types of commercial uses, plus some manufacturing uses, things like testing operations, warehousing. But would also allow gas stations and auto repair. The conservation district is mainly the parks and cemetaries. We have to allow some housing there, but its half acre single family lots, in the intent is for cemetaries and parks. Then the committee spent a lot of time talking about what to do with historic buildings in town. The state planning code was amended to say zoning shall be used to preserve historic buildings, it’s a requirement. We are not proposing anything that you see in historic in York City. They regulate windows and roofing materials, and doors. We aren’t proposing anything like that. Instead the goal is to have some public review and approval process if the main building on the lot is proposed for demolition in this striped areas. It doesn’t mean it can’t be demolished, but there is process for public review and approval for the demolition. It doesn’t apply to sheds and garages, it doesn’t apply to modern additions, its mainly the main old building of the property itself. And basically says you have to show a good reason for the demolition. Then there is discussion of a few other issues that is in the draft ordinance, we have to address group homes under federal law, common types of housing for persons with disabilities, or group homes, we upgraded the standard for these times of uses to meet federal requirements. So for instance, if three person with mental retardation and a supervisor want to live in a house together, they have to be allowed to live anywhere in the borough, it’s a federal mandate. They have to be treated like any family. Adult uses, we have to allow it somewhere, but we have can regulate the h*** out of it. And that’s physically approached, there allowed in the commercial district with a lot of controls to avoid negative impact upon neighboring areas. They would need borough council zoning approval. And then there is landscaping provisions. And the signs have been updated. Most notably, on signs, we have to have some place where it is possible to build billboards, for lack of a better place there in the commercial district. Any questions or comments? Mr. Myers of Strobecks Service asked so I am now not a non conforming use? Mr. Scheml said auto repairs would be a special exception use in the town center district. A special exception use is an allowed use. Councilman Strausbaugh asked so its allowed if it’s a commercial property? Mr. Schmel said yes, we have two types of commercial district, commercial and town center. The town center includes some areas of mixed in housing. Mr. Myers asked does that mean I am a nonconforming use in town center? Mr. Schmel said you would be a conforming use. And expansion would not be limited as long as you meet set back requirements and go through the public review and approval process. Mr. Myers asked on the map itself, what was changed on the map, as far as town center? Mr. Schmel said the only change was some street name corrections were made, there hasn’t been any changes made to the map since November. Mr. Myers said when it was town center before, I thought when it went up Main Street. Mr. Schmel said we didn’t change the map. Mr. Myers said thank you. Councilman Snyder asked any other questions, concerns? Councilman Strausbaugh asked suppose someone owned a property at the west end of town, considering putting in a coffee shop, it would cost me so much to do it. Mr. Schmel asked did the tell you what the cost was from? The county controls subdivision projects, the borough doesn’t control that, the borough only controls the zoning process. If you are in the commercial district and you want to open a coffee shop, its an allowed use, you don’t need a special permit. Councilman Strausbaugh said what happens if its in the floodplain? Mr. Schmel said that complicates everything. Councilman Noll said that has to do with our zoning, that is a federally mandated zone, so we have no control or say. Councilman Strausbaugh said the council doesn’t have say. Mr. Schmel said if you are using an existing building usually its not a major problem but flood insurance is certainly is a problem. Councilman Strausbaugh said I think you know who I am talking about. I think you are working with them. Mr. Schmel said I’m not working with anybody from the borough. Councilman Strausbaugh said what they did, they connected the two buildings, with a breezeway. Councilman Noll said that goes to Code Administrators, that’s not a zoning issue, that’s a building codes issue, that’s is void of this. Mr. Schmel said if you do connect two buildings, it becomes one building from zoning. That may not necessarily cause problems but depending on standards. Councilman Noll said it depends on how the building was connected, the buildings are structural. Councilman Strausbaugh said its in a flood zone, we have all this MS 4 stuff. We have a few businesses in Yoe, and here we have someone that is trying to do something and run into a brick wall. Councilman Snyder said not on our end. Mr. Schmel said maybe to try to find a place that isn’t in the flood plain. Might save a lot of money in the long end. If you haven’t checked on the premium rate you may be shocked. Councilman Noll said the federal government is the only one who issues flood insurance. Mr. Schmel said the one thing the borough could think about there, if you strengthen your flood plain ordinance you can reduce everyone’s flood insurance rates. Councilman Noll said we’ve already done that. Mr. Schmel said there are minimum requirements, then there is the community rating service, you can reduce people’s insurance premiums further. If you say that the lowest level of a new building has to be two feet above the flood level,you get extra points. Something to think about, if flood insurance rates become an issue. Called CRS. You can find it online. Councilman Snyder asked any more comments or question on the zoning? I have one comment, I would like to point out, our last letter from York County Planning, the recommendation was for the municipality to adopt, as far as their comments, all comments from the previous review has been addressed with this submission, York County Planning Commission commends Yoe Borough officials for their efforts for creating a new updated zoning ordinance. The zoning map appears to be consistent with future land use plan of the Tri Borough Area Comprehensive Plan. And the proposed zoning district titles have been changed to more closely reflect development patterns and potential within Yoe Borough and the last comment, borough officials should be aware that this is not an exhaustive review of the proposed ordinance, and a careful reading should be done for grammar and spelling and content prior to adoption. Other than that, a clean bill of health.Mr. Schmel said which is not easy to get from the county. Councilman Snyder said on that note, I’d like to thank the other members of the zoning committee that helped to put this together and be able to present to the public and to council for consideration tonight. So thank you for everybody that helped. Special thank you to Mr. Schmel, I think his firm did an excellent job, they were able to respond to all our inquiries and submissions that we had and changes. Everything was done very professional and just want to thank you for all you’ve done for Yoe Borough. Mr. Schmel said thank you very much, I’ve enjoyed working with you. If any questions come up, feel free to call. Councilman Snyder said according from advice from the solicitor we can consider this for adoption back in our regular council meeting. If there any more questions I’d like a motion to close the public hearing. A motion was made by Councilman Noll to close the public hearing for the Yoe Borough Zoning Ordinance Update at 7:21PM. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Reconvening of the Regular Council Meeting at 7:22PM
Counciman Snyder said I’d like to reconvene the regular council meeting of Yoe Borough Council at this time.

Solicitor’s Report
Solicitor Rausch said I have some guests here. Cindy, you want to come up and we’ll take care of you, get you on your way. I’m Cindy Hocchalter from Coldwell Banker, for my client Ms. Glatfelter, for 92 E. Pennsylvania Avenue. There is that real steep driveway that goes flat and goes up the hill. The concern is the driveway. Looking at it, there is a flat spot. We heard that there are plans for a rail trail which might involved the property and the parking area. I am here to find out what are your actual plans that will be so they can buy this house. Councilman Snyder said as we spoke on the phone, I sent you onto our solicitor. Right now, anything that we were planning with the rail trail is on hold because we failed to get our end of the funds from York County Planning, however we are following and seeing what we can get as afar as other funding. There were some easements that we were going to try to garner at their end. Like I said to you, the only thing I knew about because I wasn’t part of that planning committee, was there was talk about running the trail up through the adopted street we have for the borough line, if we could not work with the property owner to vacate that adoption and move it to the bottom of the rail bed area, close to Pennsylvania Avenue. The last we had heard of council, they wanted to run the trail from our proposed parking which is going to be at the other end of that island out Pennsylvania Avenue at the lower side and then down Boundary Avenue. So we would be working with any future property owners to try to say hey look, we have this up here, we don’t really want it, we’ll vacate it, if you give us this down here. That’s about as far as I know where they were planning on bringing the trail out. I would think, I can’t speak for council, because they would need at least 20 foot right of way down at that bottom. Something could be probably worked out, with having to grade down on that end, to make it compatible anyways because you’d have to for the rail trail itself. And we can’t be an in facto taking, if we say cut the hill, flatten it at the bottom without making access for someone to get into the property. One would assume, that any type of grading would have to be considered for that driveway. However its too premature, to say, this is what we have planned. So that’s where we are at. I did talk to our solicitor prior to the meeting, the gentleman who is part of that project isn’t here tonight. I said I do know that they were thinking of trying to work out an easement on the other end of the property going up to the park because we would need access up through there. I said it would make sense, if the solicitor worked on the agreement for the easement, the location for the road access we have up there, at the same time. So if you are planning on actually purchasing it, it would make sense to work out those details right now. So when we do get the funding which the next CDBG cycle is three years, understand anything that we would do is at least three years out of that cycle. However there are other funding sources available that we would going to try to look into that supposedly has all this money there for rail trails. I’m not privy to that, LTAP money and Marcellus Shale money, they probably come up every year. When any type of grading would be done, that is premature to say. That still wouldn’t stop you from purchasing it and do your own grading until that takes place and until easements can be worked out. As long as it is done to county specs. I would have to look at that. Ms. Hochhalter said it’s a 5% grade. Councilman Snyder said a maximum of 5%? Councilman Myers said usually its 12%. Councilman Noll said 5% is usually when its handicapped accessible, with the ramps, the driveway is 5%. Councilman Snyder said there is one on driveways thought, we had it with the Ali property. Up on Philadelphia, they put in that drive, there was an issue with the grade. That would be county. Councilman Noll said it would be depend how the grade would service the area, development plan. An engineer to make a decision. Mr. Schemel said generally if you disturb less than an acre you are okay. Councilman Noll said now the ordinance is anything over 500 square feet. York County has ordinance. Councilman Strausbaugh asked are you talking about the property on the very east end? Councilman Snyder said yes out on Boundary. Solicitor Rausch said I have a letter from CR Property Group to Mark Makosky. CR was agreeing with the plan presented by the borough to eliminate the paper street named Pennsylvania Avenue between the house and rail line, to install a retaining wall, flatten the rear of property above the retaining wall along the rail line and install the perimeter. Also a plan for a construction easement to accomplish installation and also with the plan to re-grade the driveway, we’ve been up to the property so to increase the degree of the slope, provide the borough does cover the entire cost. You can keep it if you want, that summarizing what the borough was planning for the property. That would be helpful. Councilman Snyder asked do you have another copy of that? Solicitor Rausch said yes. Councilman Snyder said when this will take place, that is up in the air. So hopefully that answers some of your questions.

Solicitor Rausch said the zoning ordinance has been advertised for adoption according to the MPC for tonight’s meeting, if council is ready and prepared, you have sixty days from today’s date to actually adopt until you have to re-advertise, if further discussion is needed, its ready for adoption. Councilman Noll made a motion to adopt the new borough zoning ordinance as advertised, as reviewed by the appropriate committee here at council and York County Planning Commission and the zoning map. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said the ordinance is adopted. Mr. Schmel said you will get the final material in a couple days. Enjoyed working with you, any questions give me a call. The signature page is at the end of the admin. Solicitor Rausch said you are not required but I am asking whether or not you want to do post adoption advertising. The purpose of that cure any possible procedural defects that may have occurred. Someone has thirty days to challenge on procedural grounds, something wasn’t advertised correctly or missed a meeting, a lot of little things, you have to jump through all the hoops exactly the right height and distance otherwise the ordinance could get knocked down. It is a little more expensive but it also cuts off somebody down the road find the ways of a constitutional challenge which was brought a few years back with Dover Township/ Glen Gary decision, which I got involved with and it went to the Supreme Court on. This was the legislature’s resolution so again its not required, but it does give some protection down the road. What the Supreme Court said, if you adopted an ordinance fifty years ago and you’ve abiding by it for fifty years, someone could come along and say well, fifty years ago you didn’t do the advertisement right, that could knock out the ordinance after fifty years. Its ridiculous. The purpose of this is to prevent that sort of scenario. Councilman Snyder said we did send a letter out to YCPC our grant is still totaling, we haven’t received the last invoice. I did let Sandy know that we had some legal fees that we expended with this, and extra advertising, and if we could get any extra funding. A lot of times they allow for overages, so my personal opinion, we are trying to go for that anyways and with his experience and know it went the whole way to the Supreme Court. And knowing we had some issues with people who had concerns about hearing here, especially up at DELLCO, the town center area and things, I think it would be a good insurance policy so to speak. Councilman Strausbaugh asked about the cost of this? Solicitor Rausch said the advertising would be $300.00 to $500.00. Councilman Snyder said he’ll have to draft it. Councilman Noll asked what the technical name of this? Solicitor Rausch said its the post adoption advertisement. Councilman Noll made a motion that we use the post adoption advertisement as suggest by our solicitor. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Solicitor Rausch said York County Solid Waste Authority has asked us to sign an amendment to the main agreement which was to use the solid waste authority as disposal. The amendment, they are going out for, they are going to be doing some upgrading. The original agreement only provided, or allowed them to only use public financing through bond. All they are asking is that the amendment would allow them to go out to do their financing through a bank. Bank rates are as or more competitive as bond rates. You save a ton of money without having to do bond issue, then getting underwriting fees and rating fees. Its very straightforward amendment. It would my recommendation to have a motion to approve the amendment to the York County Solid Waste agreement. A motion was made by Councilman Harper to approve that amendment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Strausbaugh. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Solicitor Rausch said you have the standard agreement from the SPCA at $509.00 for a year. The secretary said we haven’t heard from Michelle Klugh our animal enforcement officer for her new contract. A motion was made by Councilman Bankoske to sign the 2015 animal care with the SPCA. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harper. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

Solicitor Rausch said we have a resolution for the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System that sets the rate the borough will contribute which is $180.00 a quarter for each member that is effective 1/1/15. A motion to resolve Resolution 2014-06 was made by Councilman Bankoske. The motion was seconded by Councilman Noll. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said so be it resolved.

Solicitor Rausch said the update of Orchard Street. Steve prepared the drawings and legal description for South Orchard Street from the township line to West Broad Street. I have prepared the ordinance. We have to give notice to the adjacent property owners that we are going to formally adopt that street if anyone would be opposed to it. Under the law we have to do that, they have so many days after the second advertisement. We can hold at the November 11, 2014 have it ready for adoption. Someone has ten days to have a hearing, they have to notify us and then council would have to have a hearing as to doing this or not. I don’t anticipate that happening. We are formally doing this. The borough has been maintaining, but its not be formally adopted. Once our ordinance is adopted, we can file it with the road docet and Clerk of Courts office and then be eligible for liquid fuels.

Councilman Snyder said an update, as you recall a motion was made to fight or represent the municipality at the assessment hearing for 230 S. Main Street. I submitted that documentation and a letter of notice of intent. They notified the property owner, who didn’t want to take a chance of losing so they worked an arrangement with the county. The county agreed to reduce the assessment to $36,250.00 in lieu of him paying three years back taxes. That was on average they pay $300.00 in property taxes, to reduce it by two thirds, we are going to lose $200.00 going forward each year but we gained $900.00 up front. The deal is, as soon as the building permit closed out, the county is going in to reassessed anyways so I’m looking at maybe a year, we lose $200.00 but gain $900.00 over here. The county told me, they’ve accepted that offer, we have no choice in the matter. They decided to accept it, so they didn’t have to hold the hearing. However I was suppose to bring it back to council, to let you know what they decided to do and then council still has the right to file an appeal if they so choose. But at this point my recommendation to council is to accept this assessment deal that the county worked out and consider this issue closed.

Drew Walker of Kaltreider Benfer Library of Red Lion, thanks for putting me on the agenda. Mr. Walker presented hand outs to council. We received permission for the York County Library System to include Yoe as part of our service area. And we want we do with each municipality in our service area, Board members go out and thank municipalities for their contribution and support from the previous year and ask for their consideration for the upcoming year in the budget process. We just celebrated our 50th anniversary. On this sheet in front of you, are the highlights from this year from the library. Two statics for Yoe Borough, checked out almost 3600 items, almost half of your residents have library cards. I think in the past, you supported Jacobus. That’s a change with the York YCLS. Councilman Snyder asked and they are in agreement with that. Mr. Walker said yes. Whatever you can give, we like a dollar per capita, I think Yoe has about 1000 residents. We appreciate your consideration in your budget process. Kaltreider is a very active library, a lot of different programs for all ages. The secretary asked the check would go to the address you have for the library. Councilman Snyder said my only concern, the reason we had that change, for the library system to get their funding for Jacobus, it helped raise up their quota. It was a numbers gain. I am hoping that doesn’t change anything, that is why I asked if the library system okay with the change. Mr. Walker said he could get that in writing. The secretary said then we could keep that letter/notice on file.

Engineer’s Report
Mr. Malesker said Dana marked up the borough map and gave it to Councilman Noll. Come in and drop it off then. We will get some colored copies.

Mr. Malesker said I wanted to go over the GIS that we created for the borough. I put the address to go to and the user maintenance, accounting code and password. Starting next year, we don’t want to be the ones to control your password, we will have someone be the administrator, then you would be the ones to issue passwords to the council. Some can change things, others can just view it. We are still in discussion, we will need a monthly maintenance fee, if its going to be in the $100.00 range or what. We will host all the data. Councilman Snyder said when I tried to log on and put this in, it didn’t work. I clicked the link, it brought up the page, I saw the sign in button, I hit the sign in button and it just refreshed the page. You hinted that there was some issues with some older explorer browsers, is that going to be a problem with the computer that we have. Mr. Shearer said I used goggle chrome to view. Mr. Malesker said stormwater system is in there, the storm sewer lines, all you do is tap on it and it will zoom up a little closer. Inlet details. Discussion continued on the system. Mr. Malesker said I want everyone to get familiar with it. What we are working on, is adding a feature, that the code enforcement officer could create a violation letter and then print it out. Discussion continued.

Mr. Malesker said in the October/November timeframe we do the basin inspections. Do you want us to get those done? Councilman Snyder said might as well. Mr. Malesker said there won’t be a paper copy, they are filed electronically, this is the first year. The EAP was filed electronically also.

Mr. Malesker sent Councilman Noll, York’s audit. Councilman Noll said I will pass it around if anyone wants to look at it.

Councilman Snyder said with as much that we do at the dams, is there any way to get the dams on the GIS layer. Mr. Malesker said yes, that is easy enough to do. Councilman Noll said reports can be added. Councilman Snyder said I know we made measurements when we dredged, we can check areas out. Mr. Malesker said when you log in,you are bound by the borough lines. We could have a box, make an inset. Make it automatically tie to the borough since its in York Township. Mr. Malesker said the stormwater layer could have the basin connected there. All the record keeping would be easier.

Maintenance Report
Mr. Shearer said last month I said about using Ecostruction instead of Fitz and Smith for rip rap placement on Yoe Drive. Maurice from Ecostruction, he estimated to do the work. I have a copy the cost to remove brush and add rip rap, they have to rent a larger machine to do the work. We are looking at their labor of $3350.00 material costs would bump the estimate up to $5693.00. I talked to Barry, and he talked to Seth, he managed to get a gentleman from Kinsley to come out and look at the project. Using a grate all. I took get a temporary easement for the one side. The cost is going to be $128.00 an hour for the grate all. Figuring on 10 hours or one day. Since that time, with the rains last week, the gentleman of Kinsley was doing more damage than they wanted to do, with repairing the yard and trees. Another gentleman looked at the site, and they could do it with a wheeled excavator. That way they can maintain the work area up on the roadway. So we wouldn’t have to be so far down in on the adjoining properties. We felt that was a good idea to do. Try to hit it from the roadway. The three of us, agreed to go with the route from Kinsley. The rate is cheaper for hourly rate. They will be here this week, to do that work. I have already made contact for the stones, they are low bidders on the materials bid. Ball park figure we are looking at $3000.00 give or take. Majority of that will be the materials.

Mr. Shearer reported that the water heater at the municipal building was replaced.

Mr. Shearer said we had talked a new first aid cabinet. The secretary said they want to talk about it at the budget meeting.

Mr. Shearer said he will be on jury duty starting the 19th of November.

Councilman Harper asked when do they plan to do leaf pickup? Mr. Shearer said once I hear something I will let you know. They are in the process of getting a new self contained loader. Council discussed about the future of leaf pick up.

Zoning Officer’s Report
Councilman Noll said no report this month. I talked to Norm, there hasn’t been any activity on the permit side of things.

EMA Report
Councilman Snyder said the mayor is not here, so no EMA report.

Mayor and Police Report
Councilman Snyder said he did send his report in. We just let the report speak for itself. Any questions or concerns just get to us, he’ll answer them when he is back from vacation. Councilman Harper said Billy and I have completed our section of NIMS and forwarded that to the mayor. The secretary kept a copy on file.

Secretary’s Report
The secretary said we need to schedule budget workshop. Budget work shop is slated for October 22, 2014 at 9AM at the municipal building.Councilman Snyder said for budget purposes, there is slated a 11.5% increase for police protection.

The secretary said we need to decide on the trick and treat date. Council decided to have trick or treat night the same as York Township, Dallastown, on October 31, 2014 from 6PM to 8PM, leave your porch lights on if you are interested in participating. Date will be on the website and on the phone.

The secretary from last month’s minutes, I went online and found DEP and EAP links, and sent them to Ken Nischan for our website.

The secretary said when Jake Romig from Ecostruction came to the office for his check for the dredging at the dams, he was reminded that the report has to filed by the end of the year for mitigation project. And the meeting in November is the eleventh, he said he would be here to give an update.

The secretary said the office will be open late tomorrow, the office will be closed at 11AM on October 17, 2014.

Councilman Snyder said there was an issue with Cougars for non payment for the portable toilet rental invoices. Cougars were notified to pay invoices. After the portable toilet rentals removed, there was a group on the field playing. A letter was sent to Cougars, saying they were in breach of contract, Yoe Borough was paying the bill. Since there are no portable toilets, they can no longer use the field. Comments were made. The secretary said the original bills were sent to Cougars. Councilman Snyder said they were billed again, and said they will be paid. My recommendation for next year, if they approach us, we get up front funds.

Councilman Snyder said York County Borough’s Association for the service awards for 2014, that information is here, if anyone wants to nominate to recognize for years of service. 10, 15 or 20 years. Let the secretary know if you want to attend the dinner meeting. If you know your years of service, let the secretary know so she can notify the association.

Councilman Snyder said York County, recycling rates increased from 33.56% to 37.6 % overall for the annual recycling rate which helps with the Act 101 recycling grant.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.

New Business
There was no new business.

Payment of Bills
Councilman Snyder asked if everyone had an opportunity to look over the bill list? Any questions? Councilman Snyder asked about the bill from labor and industry? The secretary said that is for worker’s comp. Another thing for budget, the ambulance since they cover our contract of the employee, they notified us that their health insurance carrier will increase the premium at 28.5%. Mr. Hake is looking at prices so that may change. The secretary said other municipalities are having discussion, to have their employees pay part of their premiums. Councilman Snyder said they have a $5000.00 deductible. Their employees, the organization who is their employee, pays the deductible. Discussion continued on insurance. A motion was made by Councilman Harper to pay the bills as listed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bankoske. All in favor. Councilman Snyder said motion carried.

A motion was made by Councilman Bankoske to adjourn the meeting at 9:06PM. The motion was seconded by Councilman Snyder. All in favor.

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